Our Vision
“The bowls club of the future”
“To build an intergenerational community of bowlers in the Yarra Valley”
Overarching Objectives
- To engage the community and increase bowls participation across multiple generations
- To develop quality and quantity of facilities to support ongoing participation
- To establish workforce structures that ensure intergenerational success
Strategic Imperatives
Playing Facilities
Work with club members, the local council, other government stakeholders and funding contributions to plan and implement staged playing facility upgrades to meet the needs of the club
Social Facilities
Work with club members, the local council, other government stakeholders and funding contributions to plan and implement staged social facility upgrades to meet the needs of the club.
Participation & Pathways
Provide a range of recruitment and development pathways to encourage new members to join the club, enhance the attraction and retention of playing, coaching, and administrative talent to build a foundation for the club’s future success.
Create an inclusive club culture build about intergenerational success including the involvement of families, the community, and a love of bowls.
Establish a sustainable long-term workforce structure of club Committee Members, volunteers and professional staff from within the club’s community, to meet the needs of the club’s members.