
Board of Directors 2024/25

President Geoff Senior
Vice President Ash Skillern
Secretary/CCO Peter Leonard
Treasurer Bill Grund
Committee Members Andrew Thurkle
Rodney Bates
Debra Bates

Selection Committee 2024/25

Chairman Andrew Thurkle
Committee Members Trevor Dickson
Bill Grund
Ben Simmons

Championship Committee 2024/25

Chairman Rodney Bates
Board Representative Geoff Senior
Members Deb Bates, Bill Grund, Peter Leonard, Ash Skillern,Andrew Thurkle

Social Functions and Barefoot Bowls Co-ordinator: Debra Bates

Corporate Bowls Co-ordinator: Alan James

Uniforms: Andrew Thurkle.

Website and Social Media Co-ordinator: Rodney Bates

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