Club Championships 2024-25 Update
Club Championships – all men’s and mixed pairs games are to be played up to and including quarter finals this week. Originally due 6 March, some leeway to complete games by 10 March, else walkovers/forfeits will be enacted. Pls advise Championship Committee asap of results/walkovers to ensure completion of all pairs finals games by end…
READ MOREFooty Tipping 2025
FOOTY Tipping is going ahead again this year via the ESPN website. Competition name is YG bowls Please get your $25 to Ash Skillern before round 3 to be in. If you need a password, Ash will provide it to you once you give him the reddies!
READ MOREYGBC Raffle Tickets
By now, all members should have received their allocation of tickets for the end of season raffle. Please get your tickets in to the Treasurer, Bill Grund as soon as possible. For all payments, there is now a container on the bar. Please return tickets to a committee member (Geoff, Ash, Peter, Bill, Andrew, Deb…
READ MOREJanuary Update
With the second half of the season upon is, some updates on the club as we prepare for a run to finals : Green Renovation In mid December, the grass green was laser levelled, and is progressing nicely as the sunshine helps the new growth through the sand base. At this stage the green is…
READ MOREPractice Game and Working Bee
Hope everyone had a good christmas break and a safe and happy new year. As we gear up for the second half of the season, a couple of items to put in the diary coming up this week: Practice Game Selectors are putting together teams for the practice game on this Saturday 11 January, 1pm….
READ MOREClub Champs 2024-25 and Meals
Club Women’s and Men’s Singles Finals for 2024-25 will be played at 6pm on Thursday 19 September. Come on down to watch from the deck on our synthetic green under lights, and enjoy the company of your fellow members. Sharyn is taking a break from Thursday Night meals, which will resume in the new year.
READ MOREMetro Pennant Finals Schedule for 2024-25
Bowls Victoria have released the schedule of dates for all metro pennant finals as follows:
READ MOREClub Triples 2024-25 Update
The Club Triples event, originally scheduled to commence on the season opening day, has been cancelled for the 2024-25 Season. Entries for Club Pairs (Women’s, Men’s, and Mixed) are still open, closing on Saturday 30 November – get you entries in asap.
READ MOREMember Pizza Night 24 Oct 2024
Pizza Night – Come along next Thursday 24 Oct 2024 for post practice pizzas, entry fee is a smile and good conversation – see you there!